Mar 6, 2012

Make subsonic support rm and rmvb format 讓 Subsonic支援 rm/rmvb

Subsonic is a software to provide streaming music and video.
It's easy to install and manage.
Try it if you like listening music and watching video online even with your smartphone!

Subsonic 是一套可以線上串流音樂與影片的軟體,

Step 1. Download X-WinFF that contains modified ffmpeg.exe that supports rm/rmvb.
步驟一. 下載X-WinFF,裡頭包含可支援 rm, rmvb 的 ffmpeg

Step 2. Unzip and find the ffmpeg.exe under the direcotry: X-WinFF_1.4.0_rev4\Bin\Winff
步驟二. 解開,並且找到 ffmpeg.exe

Step 3. Replace the ffmpeg.exe with Subsonic directory: C:\subsonic\transcode
步驟三. 替代掉  Subsonic 目錄 C:\subsonic\transcode 底下的 ffmpeg.exe

Step 4. Open Subsonic web manager and click Transcoding
步驟四. 開啟 Subsonic 管理網頁並按下轉檔

Step 5. Add "rm rmvb" in the "Convert from" column.
步驟五. 加入 "rm rmvb"到原始檔的欄位

Step 6. Click "General" and add "rm rmvb" in the "Video files" column.
 步驟六. 切換到一般,並加入 "rm rmvb"到"視訊的附屬檔名:"的欄位

Subsonic should stream rm/rmvb now!
Subsonic 應該可以撥放rm/rmvb 了!

1 comment:

  1. works great! but you should add that the rm\rmvb files themselves will not be visible to click on until you set this action in Setting>General>Video files. I was lost for a moment when the folders in Subsonic containing the rmvb's seemed "empty".

