Introduce 簡介
USB virus can infect your PC by autorun.
If you want to avoid USB virus infecting your windows, try to configure your windows by these methods below (method 2 is recommended).
USB 病毒常利用USB裝置的自動執行功能進行感染,若想預防外來的USB病毒感染本機電腦,可在本機電腦做以下設定(推薦使用方法二)。
USB virus can infect your PC by autorun.
If you want to avoid USB virus infecting your windows, try to configure your windows by these methods below (method 2 is recommended).
USB 病毒常利用USB裝置的自動執行功能進行感染,若想預防外來的USB病毒感染本機電腦,可在本機電腦做以下設定(推薦使用方法二)。
Attention: You cannot avoid your windows to infect USB devices by these methods.