Mar 16, 2012

Install Windows 8 Consumer Preview on VMware Player 使用免費的虛擬軟體安裝 Windows 8

VMware Player is a freeware that can run multiple operate systems in one computer.
If you wanna try Windows 8 Consumer preview, VMware Player is one the best choices.

VMware Player 是一套免費的虛擬軟體,可以在同一電腦上執行多個作業系統。
如果要嘗試 Windows 8 ,VMware Player 是最好的選擇之一。

Step 1. you need to download and install VMware Player 4 first. 
步驟一. 請先下載並安全好 VMware Player 4。

Step 2. Open VMware Player and click "Create a new Virtual Machine"
步驟二. 開啟 VMware Player 後,按下  "Create a new Virtual Machine"

Step 3. Select "Installer disc image file (iso):" and click browse button to point to your Windows 8 ISO
Windows 8  ISO:
步驟三. 選擇 "Installer disc image file (iso):" 並按下 browse 按鍵指向 Windows 的光碟 ISO。

Step 4. Select Microsoft Windows and select Version for Windows 7 x64.
p.s. If you download Windows 8 x32,  Version should be Windows 7 not Windows 7 x64.

步驟四. 選擇  Microsoft Windows並在 Version欄位選擇 Windows 7 x64。
註. 如果下載的 WIdnows 8 為 32位元版本,Version欄位選擇 Windows 。

Step 5. Leave the product key blank.

p.s. You will be prompted later even you provdie product key in this step.

步驟五. 留下空白序號即可。
註. 在這裡輸入序號在安裝時仍然需要再輸入一次序號。
Step 6.Click yes
步驟六. 按下 yes 按鈕

Step 7. Keep default settings or you can adjust disk size down to 20GB for Windows 8 x64 or 16GB for Windows 8 x32.
步驟七. 保留原始設定即可,或著可調整大小,如 64 位元最少 20GB,32位元最少 16GB。

Step 8.Uncheck "Power on this virtual machine after creation" and click Finish
步驟八. 取消勾選  "Power on this virtual machine after creation"然後按下 Finish 。
p.s. If you leave this option checked, you will get error "Windows cannot read the <ProductKey> setting from the unattend answer file" while installing Windows 8:

註. 如果此選項沒有取消勾選,在稍後安裝 Windows 8 時會出現 "Windows cannot read the <ProductKey> setting from the unattend answer file" 錯誤。

Step 9: In VMware Player main menu, select Windows 8 x64 you just created and click "Edit virtual machine settings".
步驟九. 在 VMware Player 主選單時,選擇剛剛建立的 Windows 8 x64 並按下"Edit virtual machine settings"。

Step 10. Select Floppy and click remove to remove floppy. Click close button to exit .
步驟十. 選擇  Floppy並然按 remove 移除該裝置。再按下 close 離開。

Step 11. In VMware Player main menu, select Windows 8 x64 and click "Play virtual machine".
步驟十一. 在 VMware Player 主選單中,選擇 Windows 8 x64 並按下  "Play virtual machine"。

Step 12. If nothing goes wrong, you can see Windows 8 installation window now!
Adjust these options and click Next button.

步驟十二. 如果設定都正確,即可看到 Windows 8 的安裝畫面! 調整安裝的顯示選項並按下 Next。

Step 13. Click "Install Now"
步驟十三. 按下  "Install Now"。

Step 14. Type Windows 8 Consumer Preview product key with DNJXJ-7XBW8-2378T-X22TX-BKG7J and click Next button.
步驟十四. 輸入序號 DNJXJ-7XBW8-2378T-X22TX-BKG7J 並按下 Next。

Step 15. Click "I accept the license terms" and click Next button.
步驟十五. 按下 "I accept the license terms" 並按下 Next。

Step 16. Select "Custom: install Windows only (advanced only)"
步驟十六. 選擇  "Custom: install Windows only (advanced only)"。

Step 17. Select the "Disk 0 Unallocated Space" and Click Next button.
步驟十七. 選擇  "Disk 0 Unallocated Space" 並按下 Next。

Step 18.  Wait until Windows 8 Consumer Preview installation finished.
步驟十八. 等級 Windows 安裝完成。

Step 19. Input computer name and click Next button.
步驟十九. 輸入電腦名稱並按下 Next。

Step 20. Click "express settings".
步驟二十. 按下  "express settings"。

Step 21. Windows 8 can using Microsoft e-mail to sign in system.
If you want sign in just like other windows, click  "Don't want to sign in with Microsoft account?"

步驟二十一. Windows 8 可使用微軟的電子信箱來登入系統。
如果想要傳統的登入方式,請點選  "Don't want to sign in with Microsoft account?"。

Step 22. Click "Local account".
步驟二十二. 選擇 "Local account"。

Step 23. Input User name and password then click finish button.
步驟二十三. 輸入使用者名稱與密碼,然後按下 finish。

Step 24. Everything is ready, enjoy Windows 8.
步驟二十四. 所以安全設定已完成,享受 Widnows 8吧!

If you want to operate in  traditional way, click Desktop icon at left down corner.
如果要使用傳統方式操作的話,按下左下角的 Desktop 圖示即可。

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