Mar 9, 2011

Keep USB virus away from your windows 防止USB 感染自己的電腦

Introduce 簡介

USB virus can infect your PC by autorun.
If you want to avoid USB virus infecting your windows, try to configure your windows by these methods below (method 2 is recommended).
USB 病毒常利用USB裝置的自動執行功能進行感染,若想預防外來的USB病毒感染本機電腦,可在本機電腦做以下設定(推薦使用方法二)。

Attention: You cannot avoid your windows to infect USB devices by these methods.

Method 1. Disable "Shell Hardware Detection"
方法一: 關閉服務 Shell Hardware Detection

This method can disable USB stick "autorun" but not for other devices, like: USB disks.
停用此服務可防止 USB 隨身碟自動執行功能,但無法防止 USB 外接式裝置,如 USB 外接式硬碟。

*. Open Manage
=>Right click your "My Computer" and Select "Manage"
在"My Computer"按滑鼠右鍵選擇"Manage"。

*. Find "Shell Hardware Detection" Service.
找到 "Shell Hardware Detection" 的服務。
=>Select "Services and Applications" -> Services"
選擇左方 "Services and Applications"下的 "Services"

=>On the right side, right click "Shell Hardware Detection" and select "Properities"
從右方的服務列表中選擇 "Shell Hardware Detection" 按滑鼠右鍵並選擇"Properities"

*. Stop Service.Change
=>Change "Startup type" to "Mannual"
 將 Startup type: 選為"Manual"

=>Press "Stop" button.

Method 2: Modify Register
方法二: 限制所有外接式裝置的機碼

This method can avoid all USB devices. 

*. Open "Run..."
=>Click "Start" and select "Run..."
從左下方的"Start" 選擇 "Run..."

*. Open Registry.
=> Input "regedit" and press "OK" button.
輸入 "regedit" 後,按下 OK。

*.  Change to "MountPoints2" permissions.
進入 "MountPoints2" 的權限
=> Follow the path below to find "MountPoints2"
根據上面的路徑找到 "MountPoints2"

 =>Right click "MountPoints2"and press "Permissions..."
右鍵點擊並選擇 "Permissions..."

 *. Add "Everyone" owner.
加入 "Everyone" 的使用者
=>Press "Add..." -> "Advanced..."
按下 "Add..." -> "Advanced..."

=Press "Find Now" button and Find "Everyone"
按下 "Find Now" 按鈕並找到 "Everyone"

=>Press OK button back to Permission windows.
按下 "OK"直至返回 Permisson視窗。

*. Set deny permisson to Everyone.
將 Everyone 權限設定 deny
=>Click "Everyone"
 選擇 "Everyone"

=>Click deny options for Full Control and Read.
勾選Deny下的 Full Control 跟 Read

Reference 參考

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